Rhode Island

On February 13, 2025, Representative Brian C. Newberry introduced a bill to repeal the National Popular Vote law in Rhode Island (H5519).

On July 12, 2013, Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee signed the National Popular Vote bill, making Rhode Island the 10th jurisdiction to enact the bill.

Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee signs National Popular Vote bill in July 2013 with Dr. John R. Koza (left), Chair of National Popular Vote and Barry Fadem (right), President of National Popular Vote.

On June 13, 2013, the Rhode Island Senate passed the National Popular Vote bill (S346) by a 30–4 margin. Democrats supported the bill by a 27-3 margin and Republicans supported it by a 3-1 margin. On final passage, the Rhode Island House approved the bill by a 48–21 margin.

A survey of 800 Rhode Island voters conducted on June 1, 2008 showed 74% overall support for a national popular vote for President. Support was 78% among independents, 86% among liberal Democrats, 85% among moderate Democrats, 60% among conservative Democrats, 71% among liberal Republicans, 63% among moderate Republicans, and 35% among conservative Republicans. By age, support was 77% among 18-29 year olds, 80% among 30-45 year olds, 70% among 46-65 year olds, and 76% for those older than 65. By gender, support was 84% among women and 63% among men. By race, support was 76% among whites (representing 90% of respondents), 60% among African-Americans (representing 4% of respondents), 54% among Hispanics (representing 2% of respondents), and 69% among Others (representing 5% of respondents). The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 1/2%.