South Carolina

On January30, 2025, South Carolina Representative Christopher Hart introduced the National Popular Vote bill into the House of Representatives (status of H3870).

In 2023, South Carolina Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter introduced the National Popular Vote bill into the House of Representatives (status of HB3240).  Also, Representative Christopher Hart introduced the bill (status of H3807).

In 2021, South Carolina Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter introduced the National Popular Vote bill into the House of Representatives (status of HB 3187).

In March 2019, Representative Hart introduced the National Popular Vote bill into the South Carolina House of Representatives (status of H4277). In January 2019, Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter also introduced the bill (status of H3209)

In January 2017, Representative Gilda Cobb-Hunter introduced the National Popular Vote bill (Status of HB3173).

In April 2011, the National Popular Vote bill (H4154) was introduced in the House by Representatives by Rep. Liston D. Barfield, Nelson L. Hardwick, William G. Herbkersman, William M. Hixon, Phillip D. Lowe, Dennis C. Moss, Steve Moss, Lewis E. Pinson, James Roland Smith, Thad T. Viers, and W. Brian White. Senators Michael T. Rose (R) and Dick Elliott (D) sponsored the bill (S860) in the Senate.

A survey of 800 South Carolina voters conducted on January 17–19, 2011 showed 72% overall support for the idea that the President of the United States should be the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states. Voters were asked "How do you think we should elect the President: Should it be the candidate who gets the most votes in all 50 states, or the current Electoral College system?" By political affiliation, support for a national popular vote was 64% among Republicans, 81% among Democrats, and 68% among others. By gender, support was 81% among women and 59% among men. By age, support was 81% among 18-29 year olds, 71% among 30-45 year olds, 72% among 46-65 year olds, and 63% for those older than 65. By race, support was 68% among whites, 77% among African-Americans, and 74% among others (representing 4% of respondents). The survey was conducted by Public Policy Polling, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 1/2%.